Eye Care Tips For Computer Users At Home

Fatigue and stress are everyday problems for those who spend most of their time in front of the computer and phone. However, these problems are headaches, dry eyes, and back pain. Therefore, to avoid these problems, we offer seven valuable tips to help you avoid these painful topics and save your vision.

How To Take Care Of Eye Health While Working At The Computer

Below, we present seven eye care tips that can protect your eyes from constant overstrain from the screen:

The 20/20/20

You must follow this simple but helpful rule to reduce the strain on your eyes. After every 20 minutes, pause for 20 seconds and focus on an object of interest at least 20 feet away from you (for calculations, that’s about six meters).

Provide Adequate Lighting For The Comfort Of Your Eye Care

To reduce eye strain from bright light, dim the backlight on your phone or computer. During the day, it is better to use light that imitates natural light for easier reading. Position your computer screen so the windows are on the side to reduce eye strain.

Increase The Number Of Blinks

Dry eyes result from prolonged computer use due to the reduced number of blinks, leading to tears’ evaporation.

To prevent this process, it is recommended to blink ten times every 20 minutes to keep the eyes moist and avoid discomfort.

Take Regular Short Breaks

Ten-minute computer breaks can help prevent computer visual syndrome, reduce shoulder, back, and neck pain, and improve circulation and general well-being.

Optimize Your Workplace For Better Comfort

For the eyes’ health, while working at the computer, it is necessary to organize the workspace at home. It is recommended to place documents near the screen with a stand for fixation and adjust the lighting with a table lamp for clear reading. This will help to avoid computer eye syndrome and significantly reduce the load. For optimal comfort in the workplace, the computer screen should be approximately 60 cm from the eyes and 10-15 degrees lower, which promotes proper head and neck alignment and reduces the risk of neck, back, and shoulder pain.

Set The Optimal Brightness Of The Screen And Activate The Night Mode

Adjusting the screen brightness is essential in ensuring eye comfort and health. High brightness can cause eye strain and fatigue.

Adjusting it to the optimal level is recommended so that the text and images are clear but not too bright. Use auto-brightness features and night mode to reduce blue light exposure, especially in the evenings.

Wear Blue Computer Glasses To Protect Your Eyes

Wearing special glasses provides additional protection for your vision while working at the computer. The glasses are specially designed to reduce exposure to harmful blue light, helping to ensure eye comfort and health throughout the day.

Don’t ignore your eyesight! Follow these eye care tips for computer users at home to keep your eyes healthy and avoid unpleasant symptoms.

After getting acquainted with valuable tips on maintaining eye health and avoiding computer eye syndrome during long-term use of computers and smartphones, we can draw a simple conclusion: by taking into account the importance of reducing the brightness of the screen, proper placement and regular breaks, we can effectively protect your vision in the age of digital technologies.